3D #3A – For Emiko’s Kind

Photo credited to Robert Dash

Link: http://theweek.com/captured/600421/sinister-beauty-plant-cells

Dash uses a scanning electron microscope (SEM) to produce the micrographs.

Plants ‘breathe’ too, but they do it through tiny openings in leaves called stomata (singular: stoma).  open and close to allow the intake of carbon dioxide and the release of oxygen.

The gas exchange that occurs when stomata are open facilitates photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process by which plants convert sunlight into usable energy. During photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is taken in from the atmosphere through the stomata and oxygen is released as a waste product.

To replicate this pattern, I used three different type of beans, red bean, barley  and roasted barley bean, attaching it to a bread as the base.

The unique shapes of the beans, and the hilum(the scar on a seed marking the point of attachment to its seed vessel) of the bean mimics the stoma opening.



3D 2A – Polyhedron Dreams – Research


I selected tetrahedron to make my reference model out of chopsticks.

Playing with the idea of symmetry, the random idea to create a model which you will see a triangle from all different angles. Layering of the different sizes of planes helped to make the entire model look less rigid and static as well to give it variation.


The planar model that I chose it somehow resembles the Sydney Opera House, so I decided the visual aspect of the model was inspired from theatre. I found some inspiration images for reference. It depicted the idea that I wanted to bring across. The use of extension of  planes and the wires exploding out from the edges of the planes from my initial process model.