First Quote:


Second Quote:


Third Quote:


Fourth Quote:



Final outcome on tote bag!



Final Reflections:

I was excited to receive this project brief as I love movies and the quotes in movies often inspire me in many ways. However, it was difficult for me to select the quotes as there were too many and I felt that many of them were not suitable for visual interpretation. I eventually ended up with these four quotes. The designing process was rather exciting for me as I got to explore with various Photoshop techniques I had just learnt in class. It was also fun experimenting with different placements of objects or using a more suitable image of that object. The silkscreen process, although troublesome, was also rather fun. Before this, I did not know how silkscreen printing worked and to try it out for myself was very exciting. Even though the process was troublesome (I had troubles with the emulsion coating), the satisfaction that came from the silkscreen printing was very great!