EGO: Process

Disclaimer: My designs and pieces of work are heavily focused on rationale and levels of thought process. Basically work isn’t solely slapping multiple images from the internet!

Experimentation focuses on:

Digital manipulation

Digital Collage



Dada Art




Hi reader! How’s it going?

Well, for me, I’ve not been sleeping and eating well due to this assignment, it was really draining. We have to come up with 4 equations that equates to Me, Better Me, Ideal Me and Me in 5 Years.


Wow, that’s simple! Straight forward assignment isn’t it? I already know myself so well! Not.

First things first. Me.

For a start, I needed adjectives and qualities about myself. Apart from making a list to describe myself, I thought it’ll be more interesting to get my friends to describe me.

I passed a piece of paper around a group of friends and here’s what I got

Processed with VSCO with hb1 preset
Okay not too bad. I had retarded, funny, crazy, wacky, ADHD etc. Thanks friends.

Personally, Val thinks she’s quite jolly, open-minded, dynamic, a little bit of a scatterbrain, out of the box and unconventional. P.S I’m totally not basic!!

From the lists, I got the help of my friends to shortlist and narrowed down to three adjectives to describe what makes me

ADHD + Out of the Box = Dynamic / Explosion (of creative juices)            

While doing this project, I had ADHD. I mean, I always have it. It’s hard for me to even sit still for half an hour, let alone a four-hour tutorial.

So in order to portray this, I visualized a double-vision of me with some trippy effect going on. I chose two out of three of a triad colour combination to give the viewer a slightly unsettling feeling.

Glitch art

To play with the idea of me having ADHD, I felt that I could purposely leave the word looking unfinished.

Glitch art

There, there.

Oh btw, fun fact of the day: Did you know that Leonardo Davinci had traits of having ADHD too? Not just him many others Einstein, Edison, Tesla, Galileo and scores of so called ‘crazy’ people had the classic traits of ADHD/ADD. HERE;S TO CREATIVE AND CRAZY PEOPLE WHOOPEE!

Okay back to this.

As I was being all ADHD and digressing, I came across ‘glitch art’ and I fell back in love with it. I did some experimentation with the same image and here’s how it turned out


Trippy eh?

I felt that it needed some illusion of movement therefore I made use of some design synectics such as repetition and overlapping to create the effect I wanted.

Hmm does the effect make me look ‘sot sot’ here?

Ta-dah. Looks like it has quite a bit going on in there and that’s what I wanted to invoke. I decided to leave out the ‘unfinished work look’ as it won’t appear too tidy.

Next, out of the box. I knew I had to make use of this term and literally have my image out of the box.

I thought of explosions. Things exploding. Things growing out of my torso or even emerging out of the box.

The latter was quite conventional and usually linked with overthinking. Hence I went on with explosions instead.

Out of the boxout of the box 2Out of the box 3Out of the box 4

Wow I look so tumblr!

In colour psychology, red means passion while brown means honesty. When it comes to giving my inputs, my ideas for things that I’m passionate about are always honest. Eg. Fine arts, music, media and Channing Tatum.

To give it a cohesive look with the previous part of the equation, I tempered with the image’s code and installed a glitch effect for this one too

Out of the box for oss

Again, I was using the two of three of the triadic colours for a vibrant mood that at the same time is slightly ‘off’ due to the lack of the third complimenting colour.


 ADHD + Out of the box for oss = ???

Creative Dynamic. Boomz. X-factor.

To portray my creativity I tried to insert creative juices flowing out of my brain.

me 2 for ossme for oss

I was pleased with the repeated elements of smoke and colour cohesion with the previous part of the equation but not contented with the expression im showing. I need more action. MORE DYNAMISM. MORE VAL CRAZINESS.

Creative juices started bursting as I pictured the equation to end with me shooting as I jump fabulously and in dynamism.

Spontaneously I changed into a bikini, grabbed a (toy) gun and started posing and doing jump shots.

me 3 for oss

Uh huh that’s more like it. Action baby. The two Charlie Angels at the side can be re-positioned though.

me 3 for oss

Ah that’s better. If you noticed, an X is formed with the pictures of me jumping, to convey the ‘X-factor.’

Better Me

Theme: Poker Cards

Jack of all trades master of none (J poker card) + Acing in one thing (Ace of Hearts) = Blackjack


Jack of all trades, where I have several things i’m passionate about

jack of alljack of all 2Jack of all tradesJack of all trades BLUE


To take away other things in the picture and  ace in one thing with all my heart

Note: ACE = 1 in blackjack

Ace 2Acefor OSS.Ace-Of-Hearts


Ace + Jack





Final Works


Published by

Val Lay


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