Tips on teaching children with dyslexia

1. Tips on teaching dyslexic children

1. Incorporate visual elements in learning
2. Involve body movement in learning
3. Use an explicit, systematic approach to teaching reading to be sure that everything is taught that needs to be
4. Read out loud in order to utilize the auditory pathway to the brain
5. Utilize visuals in books and prompt the child to visualize in their mind as they read
6. Summarize and give the big picture first, then start with the details
7. Don’t dwell on teaching phonemic awareness because that is not how they learn best.
8. Use a multi-sensory teaching approach to reading (all at one time)

2. Products for dyslexic

Building Decoding and Word Recognition Skills

A multisensory approach to building word recognition and decoding skills can be helpful for children with dyslexia. Provide materials that allow children to see letters, hear letter sounds, and feel and build letters. Children with dyslexia also benefit from tools such as highlighter strips or pointers. These help children focus on one letter combination or a single line of text at a time.

Increasing Reading Comprehension

Comprehension can be improved for children with dyslexia when they receive information both visually and auditorily. Provide opportunities for children to listen to and follow along with audiobooks, record and listen to themselves reading, highlight important sentences in texts, and visually map out main ideas and key events from a text.

Helping Organize Ideas

While children with dyslexia may have difficulty with symbolic representations, such as letters and words, they often excel at comprehending pictorial representations. It can be beneficial to provide tools and materials that incorporate picture clues, help children graphically organize ideas in a book or help them organize their own ideas before starting a writing project. Children with dyslexia may also benefit from using 3-D objects and manipulatives while working with math concepts.

Creative Industry Report: June Digan

The artist that I am sharing is June Digan, she is a designer and illustrator based in Manila, Philippines. Her artwork focuses on strong emotions and storytelling using delicate characters, whimsical landscapes, and lettering.

She works in both the traditional and digital medium.  She usually go with a more traditional approach such as watercolours, gouache, and acrylics.

Image from @junedigann

I chance upon June’s artworks on her instagram account. Her Instagram account began about 6 years ago, she started a project called 365. Doing paintings and letterings every day for a year.  She was so optimistic and wanted to create positive lettering pieces for a year. It then became a daily habit after work to create one.

Image from @junedigann

I really like how she combine paintings of quotes with gorgeous lettering. And also how she mixes typographic styles with wonderful taste, using subtle colour schemes that can only be made with watercolour.

She uses just pencil and watercolour to finish a her art pieces without the help of another medium. She don’t use masking fluid to cover the letters. I enjoy painting and I would say that the struggle of painting around the words is seriously real. A lot of paper, materials and time will be wasted during the process. It would be a lot easier to cover the letters with masking fluid before painting. But she did not, which is something I really admire.

Another reason why I like June is because she is very patient and she work really hard and practice everyday to get to where she is today. As quote by her  “Being good at something doesn’t happen overnight. You have to work hard for it, and you need to have a purpose. It shouldn’t be for the likes and praises. Having a deeper purpose for something you create will give you satisfaction in the long run as an artist.” I like how she is not afraid to make mistakes and how those mistakes make her tougher.