Mnemosyne’s Scent

Smell & Memory

Human Beings have five different ways of sensing the world around them. One of them is smell.

How do smells trigger such strong emotions and memories?

Some smells and aromas are much nicer than others. While there will also be smells that we dislike. For me, I dislike the smell of dairy products. Especially milk, it has a very strong smell and taste, which reminds me of baby’s vomit.

That complex emotion and memory can be triggered by a simple sensory cue.

Memories linked to smells are often stronger and more vivid. Studies have shown that they also tend to be memories of early life, before we were 10 years old.

We tend to remember a particular sensation, rather than a bunch of facts about something that happened.

Mnemonic Devices

Mnemonic devices are techniques a person can use to help them improve their ability to remember something. In other words, it’s a memory technique to help your brain better encode and recall important information. It’s a simple shortcut that helps us associate the information we want to remember with an image, a sentence, or a word.

Mnemonic devices are very old, with some dating back to ancient Greek times. Virtually everybody uses them, even if they don’t know their name. It’s simply a way of memorizing information so that it “sticks” within our brain longer and can be recalled more easily in the future.


An acronym is a word formed from the first letters or groups of letters in a name or phrase. An acrostic is a series of lines from which particular letters (such as the first letters of all lines) from a word or phrase. These can be used as mnemonic devices by taking the first letters of words or names that need to be remembered and developing an acronym or acrostic.

Some people have a hard time remembering the colors of the rainbow. However, a few simple memory tricks can help you better remember the colours. Try to remember the name of an imaginary person called Roy G. Biv. So we can easily remember the 7 colours, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Nowadays, youngsters come up with our on acronyms. Such as ttyl. It helps us to communicate in our own terms. When we see such acronyms, our brain immediately tells us it means talk to you later.


Since young, we have been using this method to remember the number of days in the month.

Count the months on your knuckles and the grooves between your knuckles. Leave out your thumb knuckle. Every month that lands on a knuckle is 31 days, every month that lands on a groove between knuckles is 30 days (or 28 for February).


Plastic Bottles Models /247275835765607017/

I like how they use texture to create a rough and harsh texture on the model. I actually prefer the suspended model. It allows people to use their own imagination, view from all angle. Compared to model with a base, it restrict us.

2 Pleasant & Unpleasant Scent

Pleasant Scent

I think everyone that knows me well, will be aware that I love babies and kids. They just bring so much joy and happiness to people around them. I have a niece, I love her so much. When she was 6 months old, before entering poly, I took care of her for about 4 months. I always use Johnson’s baby wipes to clean her, so when she was younger she have a Johnson’s baby wet wipes smell. Now that she is bigger, she no longer have the smell, which I miss a lot. Whenever I see the wet wipes, it just reminds me of the happy memories.

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My unpleasant scent is hair cream. Not that I dislike the smell. But it reminds me of when I was much younger. I shared the same room as my parents. My dad will put on hair cream, the smell of the hair cream is very strong. Whenever, I smell this smell, I know my dad is leaving for work. When I was young, I only want my parents to stay by my side. I do not understand will he have to work. Therefore, this smell gives me lots of unpleasant memory back then. Now that I have grown up, I understand that my dad works to support and give our family a better lifestyle.


Types of 2D & 3D Planes

There are 8 types of 2D and 3D planes. 2D planes consists of the straight axis, bend axis, curved axis and complex axis.  For 2D planes, the planes is fixed into a rectangle box. While 3D planes consists of the curved, broken, twisted and grouped planes.

For the assignment, we are suppose to create a interesting composition using different width planes. We have to be aware of the Dominant, Sub-dominant and Subordinate, making sure that it stays consistent throughout.

Sketch Model 1 


Sketch Model 2

Modify Sketch Model 1

Model 1

 I have trypophobia, therefore I use holes to represent my unpleasant scent.. My pleasant scent is baby wet wipes, it is soft and fluffy,  I tried use the soft and rounder edge to represent it.

However, the model is not that interesting as there is main focus. Everything is compact.


 After doing the first model, I am not satisfied. Therefore I tried to improve on it. I felt that the second model is more interesting and have a focus point.

Modular Structures

Modular Structures

Modular Structure is a design approach that subdivides a system into smaller parts called modules or skids, that can be independently created and then used in different systems.

Modular design can be seen in certain buildings. Modular buildings can be added to or reduced in size by adding or removing certain components. This can be done without altering larger portions of the building. Modular buildings can also undergo changes in functionality using the same process of adding or removing components.

In architecture and structural engineering, a space frame or space structure is a riding, lightweight structure constructed from interlocking structs in a geometric pattern. Space frames can be used to span large areas with few interior supports.

Shell Lattice Structures

Large span timber gridshells are commonly constructed by initially laying out the main lath members flat in a regular square or rectangular lattice, and subsequently deforming this into the desired doubly curved form. This can be achieved by pushing the members up from the ground.

Examples of Modular Architecture

Image result for modular architecture

Habitat 67

in Montreal designed in the 1960’s by architect Moshe Safdie.It consists of prefab units that have be stacked in an ingeneous way. It was designed to integrate the variety and diversity of scattered private homes with the economics and density of a modern apartment building. The building was believed to illustrate the new lifestyle people would live in increasingly crowded cities around the world.

Honeycomb Apartment

This architecture is designed to mimic the rhythmic structure of honeycomb, the layout creates dynamic elevations and offers privacy to the neighboring owners.

Sounds Analysis

I used shapes to represent each sound. I felt that the tone bars creates a up and down tone. As for the wooden sticks and sand blocks, I felt that the 2 sound were very similar and the comes together. While the egg shaker is very soft.

Individual Moodbox

For my model, I choose to use a curved plane to represent the tone bars. I felt that the tone bars creates a up and down tone. Therefore I create a curve to represent the change in the tone. I use 2 wooden blocks to represent sand blocks and wooden sticks as both the sound comes together and it creates a very clear sound. Lastly for the egg shaker, I felt that the sound is slowly disappearing and fading away. Therefore I use a metal wire to represent it.




What is Ikebana?

Ikebana is the Japanese art of flower arrangement. The name comes from the Japanese ike, meaning ‘alive’ or ‘arrange’ and bana meaning ‘flower.’

" Ikebana is not just about sticking a flower into a vase: It is about the love and need of the artist to create beautiful forms … Ikebana is not just about flowers, it is about the person who arranges them. "

Sofu Teshigahara, Founder of Sogetsu School

Ikebana is more than simply putting flowers in a container. Ikebana is an art, in the same sense that painting and sculpture are art. It has a recorded history; it is backed up by articulate theories; and it is concerned with creativity. In Japan, flower arrangements are used as decorations on a level with paintings and other art objects. It is a disciplined art form in which the arrangement is a living thing in which nature and humanity are brought together. It is steeped in the philosophy of developing closeness with nature.

As is true of all other arts, ikebana is creative expression within certain rules of construction.

Principles of Ikebana

Ikebana has become an artform that is associated with a meditative quality. Creating an arrangement is supposed to be done in silence to allow the designer to observe and meditate on the beauty of nature and gain inner peace. Ikebana is meant to be viewed in all angles, the importance of space, which is not meant to be filled, but created and preserved through the arrangements. Each view should shows a different ‘story’. This ties into other principles of Ikebana including minimalism, shape and line, form, humanity, aesthetics, and balance.

Different kinds of Ikebana


Heika is a basic style of ikebana arrangement that uses a tall vase and highlights vertical lines. The biggest feature is the emphasis on bringing out the flowers’ natural charms and arranging them in a tasteful and elegant manner.


Moribana uses a shallow container and a kenzan, a holder with many sharp points into which flowers are inserted. The big feature of moribana is the broad expanse of natural-looking shapes and a mound of beautiful flowers.

Taste Food Research

Five tastebuds operate together to give us a full picture.

1. Sweet The most elemental of taste pleasures, sweetness signals the presence of sugars, the foundation of the food chain and a source of energy. Examples: Honey, Fruits, Desserts
2. Bitter A poison alarm, bitterness is a distinctive bad taste accompanied by a reflexive “yuck” expression on the face. Examples: Bittergourd, Grapefruit
3. Sour The mouth-puckering sensation is caused by acids in lemons, yogurt and sourdough bread and other food. Examples: Lemons, Vinegar
4. Salty Our brains are programmed so that a little salt tastes good, and a lot tastes bad. Examples:Ham, Potato Chips

5. Umami Japanese for “delicious taste,” umami is produced by certain amino acids. It’s best described as “savory”—a taste rich in flavor released by cooking, curing or aging. Examples: Seared and Cured meats, Fish sauce, Green Tea, Soy Sauce

Other than these 5 different senses, food also needs to be presented in a way that is appetizing to the eye as well as to the palate.

Taste is an incredible sense, sending information to the brain as to whether what you’re eating is sweet, salty, sour, bitter or savory. Taste as a sense is made up of sight, smell, touch and resulting taste. So when you screw up your face in disgust as that moldy piece of bread is put in front of you, chances are your brain has already made its mind up before you put a bit in your mouth – which is why most people refuse the moldy offering prior to eating it.

So in fact, eating that piece of chocolate which sends a positive signal to your brain’s receptors and lets you know you’re enjoying it actually comes from a mixture of sight, touch, smell and the effect on your tastebuds.

The way we see food affect its taste!


Smell is important as it can affect our sense of taste. Researchers say 80 percent of the flavors we taste come from what we smell, which is why foods can become flavorless when you have a blocked nose.

If the smell is not appealing to us, we will not likely try it.

Smell is the only sense that affects the memory and emotion part of the brain. If we feel good when we buy a product then we are likely to continue buying it. However, if the smell is not appealing to you, you will not buy it again. This is also why many companies add fragrance to their products such as soap and washing powder. Smell has become increasing important to us and as a result the industry has responded to these demands.


We were ask to pick a season from the pandora box, the season I received was summer.

Summer is the hottest and most fun season. People often take advantage of the warmer temperatures by spending more time outdoors during the summer. Activities such as traveling to the beach and picnics occur during summer months.

Personally, I feel that summer is a fun season. summer. It is full of vibrant hues that can spark liveliness and bring energy to any space.

Season Mindmap

Summer Moodboard

This is the moodboard that I have done. Summer being colourful and vibrant. Since summer is the hottest season, icecream and desserts is a must have!

3D Analysis

We are allowed to be as creative as possible. However there are some key points that we have to that note of.

Models must consist of a cone, sphere and a cylinder. The Dominant(D), Subdominant(SD) and Subordinate(SO) should stay consistent on at least 4/6 views. We were to create a balance be is Dependent, Precarious, or Independent of directional forces in our compositions. And lastly no right angles are allowed in this assignment.

Model 1

  • Dominant (D) RED
  • Subdominant (SD) BLUE
  • Subordinate (SO) YELLOW
  • Things to improve on GREEN

All 3 elements could be seen on all views. However D, SD and SO is not consistent. D and SD have very similar length. While SO seems larger than SD too.

Model 2


All 3 elements could be seen from all angles and  D, SD and SO stayed consistent on most angles. I also tried placing the cylinder on 1/3 of the cone.

What  I can improve on?

I can increase the diameter of the cylinder. So that the SD and SO would not be so similar in terms of the diameter. Next, the side view has a right angle. What I could do is to tilt the cone.

Model 3


All 3 elements could be seen from all sides. SD and SO are too similar. Everything is symmetrical fro the side view, which makes the composition looks boring. However, I do like the front view, it shows different degree of angles.

What  I can improve on?

I could increase the size of SD and reduce the size of SO, so that SD and SO will be more obvious. I feeling that the composition do not look as interesting as compared to the front view.

Final Model


My theme was Summer. I wanted to create a more playful and youthful composition. I tried to swirl the branch around my cone, to create the liveness. Summer is also filled with colours and brightness. Therefore, I use colours to create a fun and joyful composition.

Summer is the hottest season of the year, desserts are the must have, therefore i used cold and refreshing desserts/ fruits to represent summer.

The dominant in my composition is the cone and branch. While the Sub dominant is the straw and blue pebbles to represent the sea, lastly bubble tea pearl is subordinate.

I also tired to play with the scent, I used lemon as it has a refreshing smell. Which represents summer.

Since ikebana is made to be able to be viewed in all angles, I tired to make all angles different and interesting. I made used of asymmetry and voids to create the composition. My favourite view is the front view. As the branch frames up the subject in the composition.

Pandora Box: Asymmetry

The theme I got was Asymmetry.

Asymmetry means uneven in distribution or lack of equality.

We can exploit asymmetry, using it to draw attention to areas in the design or to convey dynamism or movement. Having asymmetry in our work, it helps lit up the artwork.

In this Pandora Box assignment, we were to use 3 boxes to represent our theme in our composition. There are some things that we have to be aware of is all the three boxes must be able to be seen on all views. The dominant (D), subdominant (SD) and subordinate (SO)  volumes should stay constant on at least 4 different views.

Process and Development 

Process model 1

  • Dominant (D) RED
  • Subdominant (SD) BLUE
  • Subordinate (SO) YELLOW
  • Principle Axis GREEN DOTTED LINES

For my first model, I make sure that all the 3 boxes can be seen from all 6 the views. I placed my SO and SD at the mid point of D. However, some of the sides do not show the consistent D,SD and SO.

Process model 2

In this composition, the boxes are all position at the mid point of D. I tried using a smaller SO box in this composition. So that SD and SO will not be so similar when it is being viewed in other sides. However, SD and SO still looks quite smaller on the left and right view. And SO box could not be seen at the bottom view

Process model 3

I tried placing all the boxes at a side to create lack of equality . I also applied rule of third technique, SD and SO boxes are placed at one third of the fraction.  This composition has more depth and D, SD and SO are more cosistent in this layout.

Process model 4

In this composition, I placed the boxes perpendicular to each other. SO and SD are consistent at 4 views. However, the SO could not seen on the right view. I like this composition most, it has more interesting views as compared to the previous compositions.

Final Model

If i were to remove the SO in this layout, it will be symmetric. Which creates a  very balance, very expected composition. However once I add in the SO box, the whole composition lits up. The first thing that we will notice is the SO. Our eyes will naturally be drawn at the focus and then goes around to see the biggest boxes later on. In which it also creates hierarchy.

Since the focus is on the SO box, it is the magic to my composition. I use gold to emphasis on it. While I use a more neutral colour material for my D and SD material. D is concrete while SD is glass.


A large application could be a submarine. Dominant being the main body. While the Subdominant could be the masts with cameras mounted, replacing the traditional optical periscopes. And the Subordinate is the control room, where people could enter.

A smaller application could be a stationary holder and a digital clock. The Dominant is to hold larger items, such as pens or ruler. Sub dominant is to store slightly smaller items like glue or eraser, it also acts as a digital clock. And lastly the subordinate is to store small items such as paper clips and rubber bands. It is very important to have a stationary holder on the desk, it helps to keep the table neat and tidy. Having a clock also helps to keep track of the time.


When I started this assignment, I was very confused and I had trouble trying to differentiate the Sub- dominant and Subordinate.

I learn from my friends work and consultation, which allows me to look more closely at shapes. And understand how the sizes complement as Dominant, Sub- dominant and Subordinate.

After this assignment, I am able to apply the design principles and to identify them. I also realised that the things around us all had design elements. The final model allowed me to look at model not just as it is, but to imagine it as an application. I had to be creative and think out of the box.

2D Analysis

The first lesson, we learn to identify some key elements in designs. I tried to identify some of the elements that I have learned in class. Since I left the watch that i brought to class last week back at home, I used what i have in my hall instead.








This camera have quite a number of interesting factors. The most prominent elements that i realised in this camera was the rule of third and line of symmetry.

The lens is one-third of the camera. It is positioned at the upper third, causes it to be more dynamic. More attention will be drawn to the lens.

The camera is symmetrical on the front, back, top and bottom view. (indicated in green)

The colours used are white, black and silver. The white area acts as the dominant volumes (large), while the black screen acts as the subdominant volumes (medium) and lastly the silver acts as subordinate (xxsmall). Our eyes will naturally be drawn to the subordinate as it is the centre of attraction.