Project 1B: Twisted Fables



In the first image, I initially intended to portray a wise Wolf who knows of the lying shepherd-boy and decides to teach the Shepherd a lesson by attacking the sheep. But some people misinterpreted it as an arrogant looking into having some fun by purposefully attacking the sheep.

In the second image, I wanted to show the villagers offering the wolf some meat — as if to suggest that the whole story was an “inside job”. The first image would then suggest that the Wolf is actually smarter than he seem. I went along with the interpretation that the wolf might be trying to have some fun by purposefully attacking the sheep in the story.

The first image accompanied by the second image would reveal the fact that the villagers are the ones plotting against the Shepherd. They bribe the Wolf with meat to attack the sheep. This would give the Wolf the motivation to attack the Shepherd’s sheep.


I used a darker colour scheme for the second image to hint that something shady is going on and to give contrast with the first image. The single spotlight is to bring viewer’s attention to the action of the characters.

Published by

Chi Haru Lim

Aspiring animator and visual development artist at ADM. I like cats and dabble in photography.

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