Assignment 1 (work in progress)

Photos (drafts) for assignment 1


There are two different sets of photographs in this post, one set from my original idea and the other, from my new idea. TheĀ original idea was to portray myself through the contents of the refrigerators in my house since to me there really is nothing more unnerving than a stranger looking at the contents of your fridge, what you have inside and how items are arranged, it speaks volumes about one. However, the photos did not seem to be able to tell viewers much about me as a person since the fridges were also shared by my family members. Thus, these photos were not so suitable for the assignment of self-portrait.

Here are the photos from my old idea.

The Fridge #1
The Fridge #1
The Fridge #2
The Fridge #2
The Fridge #3
The Fridge #3

These are some of the photos I took for my new idea and concept. These photographs were taken in week 2.






















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