Interactive II Progress (11th Apr)

RGB values based on position and area

RGB separation results

Amt of red changes pitch shift

Amt of green will change saw and cycle notes

amt of blue changes types of drum loops being played

After getting some feedback about our work, we’ve decided to change a few things. First of all, we’ve decided to use the amount of color on the screen, rather than the user’s face to change the ambient music. The reason for this was due to the fact that Jit.faces works intermittently, and required the user to maintain full frontal eye contact. Instead, we decided to use cv.jit.blob.centroids.

We’ve also decided to change the individual length of the music tracks and make them distinct so they are aware that they’re affecting the installation.

The amount of green would change the saw (low pitch ambient sound) and the higher pitched cycle notes, the amount of red would change the pitch and its lateral position will play a different soundtrack. Finally, the lateral position of the blue region would change the type of drum loops that will be played.


This was the result of the following patch.

Additional links:

21st Mar   28th Mar   31st Mar   4th Apr   11th Apr 14th Apr

Final submission

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