LORE IV: In world of Noche


Forms and material

Land in Noche are all separated by streams and rivers which cause big and small islands. Some have limited area to build houses, however they fully utilise the space creating adaptable designs. Home that can be adapt to different needs using interactive surface, modularity and kinetics materials.

A popular material was widely use is Nano-concrete. A combination of ultra-high-strength concrete and Carbon Nano tubes (CNTs) that create a strong material tension and compression resistance. Another advantage is it is a light weight material.

Minimalistic was the direction in Noche contemporary architecture. Strong linear elements using the most basic elements and essential quality.  The forms are usually inspired by the wave and nature organic shapes which create a form of relationship between the building and site. Moreover building structure will design specially according to their functionality.

With technologies advance more material are being explore and combine together. Until today, they still pushing their limits to upon different area to strive for improvements.

Author: Su Hwee Lim

I am a picky vegetarian who is a left hander. A Minority in minority.

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