Deliverable 2:”A Little to make a difference” Campaign Website


-Easy and accessible platform(Apps/Website). A platform that connects and access all(Volunteering/Fundraising/Donation)

To encourage people to give, you need to make it easy for them. Therefore, a platform where they can easily access the different giving platform they would like to contribute to is my second deliverable. Website is adaptable on mobile phones as well making it easy for the audience to access.






Deliverable 1: “A Little to make a difference” Campaign Poster & Banner

A Reminder

-Sometimes all they need is a reminder(Visual Campaigns)

There are already so many available associations and charity boards, there is no point in setting up another one. It’s about encouraging one to start giving. As we can see so many campaigns out there in Singapore. Campaigns on saving the earth, saving water, being kind campaign and health promotion campaigns. There are not many campaigns on poverty encouraging people to give or help the committee living in poverty.

Solution: A poverty campaign that encourages the audience to be a part of giving! And know that a little help matters. They don’t have to give much.

First Mock-up

Answering Candice question on why are the hands huge in the posters making it ironic with the idea of “little” in the poster. What I wanted to emphasize were the items that the hands are holding. Which is small if it is hand size. Therefore, representing the idea of ‘little’. The little you give matters.


Poster 1: Food drives
Poster 2: Clothing drives
Poster 3: Charity
Poster 4: Volunteering work
Poster 5: General rectangle banner
Poster 6: General square banner



Posters and Banners published in public areas such as bus stops and MRT stations.

Poverty Infographic

Poverty in SG

The topic selected was on poverty in Singapore. This is because poverty issues are rarely discussed and shared with the public. Based on the survey I’ve made, I realized that people don’t know about the poverty statistic in Singapore. And how it is a rising issue in this well-developed country. In my Info-graphic poster, I wanted to emphasize on the increasing percentage of poverty and the numbers that are suffering in poverty.

First mock-up
Second mock-up
Final work


Edited version after given comments and critics from presentation day.