A r t N o u v e a u

|| A r t N o u v e a u



This Art Nouveau abstract design is inspired mainly by the blue pea plant, which asides from its striking indigo colour, is also used for cooking Peranakan dishes. Other plant patterns featured are also related to the theme of food from different cultures, such as the pandan leaf plant, thyme and curry leaf plant.


(I took some photos but they are all too large to insert into this post but you can check some of them out on @noyumipic on Instagram. [ https://www.instagram.com/p/BoMjTJfna63/?utm_source=ig_web_button_share_sheet ] )


Noticeably, many of the plants featured an outward-growing pattern and so I incorporated that into my design using (almost) radial-symmetry. The botanical theme accompanied with symmetry serve to recall the Art Nouveau style.


Plant inspirations:


(taken by me) The blue pea plant is used to make a local desert called Nonya chang (see below) because of its natural blue pigment.


https://candy.com.sg/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Pandan-Leaves.jpg The pandan leaves of the pandan plant are used for their green pigment and fragrant taste and smell in local desserts like kueh salat (see below) and a bunch of other kuehs.





https://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server3700/fxxw4to/products/187/images/2141/Herbs_Fresh_Thyme_pkt__78184.1434805304.500.750.jpg?c=2 Thyme is a Western spice used for dishes like spaghetti. There are small leaves growing outwards on a stalk.


https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0608/2413/products/Curry_leaf.jpg?v=1456769791  The curry leaf plant looks like the bigger version of thyme and is used for making dishes like… curry.






Author: Tan Yue Ling

Moving is hard but stagnation is harder!

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