Micro-Project 1-Tele-Stroll: Series of Acts

Tele-Stroll: walk, talk and sharing of two spaces in two disparate locations.

3, 2, 1 and we are live!

A social broadcasting project, Tele-stroll: Series of Acts shows two girls accompanying each other home through going live on Instagram and putting up a media performance for their viewers and for each other.

“See you on the other side”

The “third-space”, a virtual platform, brings people from different locations together. This project highlighted the “third-space” where the two girls created a stage for a series of acts.

Acts and Synchronization

The 13 minutes long social broadcasting experience consists of 4 acts together with the synchronization of actions throughout.

Act 1: Hand Dance (01.21 to 01.43)


An unconventional dance movement that involves mainly the hands and fingers has become increasingly popular. Taking one screen per person, Zhen Qi and I learnt the hand dance moves for the first act.

Below is a video of the tutorial we followed for hand dance act:-

With large difficulties in aligning the screens and synchronizing with each other, we scraped a large portion of the hand dance and incorporated countings to be in-sync with each other.

Act 2: Humming and the Invisible Piano (04.50 to 05.05)

We hummed along to the chorus of The Saints Go Marching. Since it is a walk home from school, we thought singing tunes would kill the boredom and mundane walk. Adding a little spice to it, the split screen function allowed us to create an arm, playing the invisible piano to the tune. That concludes our second act.

Act 3: The Invasion of the Bird (05.09 to 05.39)


Living in a green city, we often hear the birds in the trees and we thought we add that into our walk home. Act 3 uses our hands to form a bird like figure on the screen. Whistling to mimic the sounds of the birds, we cued for the “bird” to take over the screen, as if to take over our social broadcast.

Act 4: Emoji Face! (13.00 to 13.17)


With emojis getting so much limelight, even the creation of emoji pillows, we thought how can we not include emoji faces with the split screen! We then created a series of emojis, 

Lastly, with two friends, how can we forget the heart emoji! Then we created our own friendship heart gesture, simply by tilting our hands downwards from the last gesture, bidding goodbye.

Synchonization came into the picture throughout, like placing the opening the doors of ADM at the start and completing an image of a zebra crossing albeit from a different location altogether.


Despite the numerous dry runs we have to make and having to deal with the lag time of the live, the overall experience was something new because prior to this assignment, I have yet to try going live on my social media platforms. Tapping onto the split screen nature of the live stream to create a totally different experience with the collaboration of both parties live was a fresh experience.



4D Foundation Exercise 1 – Scale and Framing

For this exercise, we are to take photos of our partners experimenting with scale and framing of our photos. My model for this project is Teri smileand here are some shots of her taken by me!

Location: Basement of ADM building at the cubicles section. We saw tiny pots of succulents and cactus and we started taking pictures at that corner.

Things noted down while taking the shots:-

-Trying to bring out a certain reality about our model.

-How to use scale and framing angles to convey the reality you want to show about our model.

-The micro-expressions of our model.

  1. A Close-Up Shot / High Angle

This is a close-up shot of Teri interacting with David the cactus. Working with the rule of thirds, I tried to position the image such that Teri can be seen interacting with David the cactus. She is seen in the first one-third of the frame, David the cactus is seen in the middle second-third of the frame and the other succulents are seen in the last one-third of the frame.

I thought a top-down angle of this shot can show how Teri loves plants and how she cares for them. Her tender gaze at David the cactus can be seen subtly through this angle, showing her love and interest for plants.

2. Medium Long Shot / Eye-level shot

Taken from a distance, David the cactus is seen in shallow-focus while Teri and a succulent is seen in deep-focus. I thought this angle is great to capture Teri’s body language when she handles the pots of plants around her. Also, this angle very perfectly showed the humanly comparison of Teri’s size versus the size of the potted plants. This portrayed Teri as a “motherly” figure to the plants.

3. Medium Shot / Relatively high angle

As Teri is seen blending forward to have a closer look at the tiny plants, I quickly took a shot. I thought this frame very strategically got her reflection in the middle of the picture. Hence, even though it is only a reflection, it will still gain attention from its audience. This picture brings out Teri’s curiosity about the succulents in ADM.