Douglas Davis:
The World’s First Collaborative Sentence
Launched 1994, Restored 2013

donated to the Whitney Museum  in 1995

“The Sentence has no end. Sometimes I think it had no beginning. Now I salute its authors, which means all of us. You have made a wild, precious, awful, delicious, lovable, tragic, vulgar, fearsome, divine thing.”
Douglas Davis, 2000

The Exquisite Corpse  on epic scale


Moon (2013) by Ai Weiwei and Olafur Eliasson. launched at the Falling Walls Conference, Berlin, 9 November 2013.

Interactive website for collective universal doodling. You do not need to board the Apollo 13, the space race is over. Just leave your mark on a virtual moon.

the link is here:



The Man with a Movie Camera (1929) by Dziga Vertov. The making of cinema.

Man With a Movie Camera: The Global Remake

web-based video collaboration to reinvent Dziga Vertov’s masterpiece

the ultimate digital internet montage

the link is here:


At this point of my foray into understanding internet art, I feel that the internet has created a new meaning to the Aura of the artwork in the digital age, far evolved from Walter Benjamin’s ideas of reproduction.

The images in this post went through these steps:

  1. projected onto the screen from the school desktop

  2. captured on my smartphone

  3. sent to myself on whatsapp

  4. downloaded on whatsapp web onto my laptop

  5. posted on to OSS

So even in the making of a simple post like this, there are multiple transmission channels and mediation happening. And this is what the internet can create for us digital artist. A tool that will continue to break all that we know about the media apparatus (Jean-Louis Baudry).

The only way to make sense of it all, is to find a way to be in-situ on the vast net.