  • Bubble wrap is like the simplest of buttons with haptic feedback.
  • The popping of the bubbles is irreversible.
  • Could we extend the act of POPping the bubbles – like how the record disk is left with a permanent imprint caused by the sounds recorded on them.

Artistic realm  Design realm
  • We are interested in the production of sound and the haptic feedback of bubble wrap.
  • We want to create a work that will be performative in nature.
Similar works, critique and differences / Inspiration sources

Image result for Bradley Hart bubble wrap gifImage result for Bradley Hart painting bubble wrap

Bradley Hart’s ‘pointillist’ bubble wrap injections to create realistic painting method.

Michael Iveson at The Averard Hotel











Michael Iveson builds bubble-wrap corridor inside The Averard Hotel in London. The effect of natural light coming through the varying surfaces of the POPed and unPOPed bubble wrap.

These works focused on the irreversible nature of human touch on the bubble wraps to produce a lasting visual imprint (in the case of Bradley Hart’s painting) and a spacial atmosphere (in the case of Michael Iveson’s site specific installation).

We believe that this same irreversible quality can take on a twist and help us to create a visual record of sounds produced.

Interaction (describe how people will interact with it, cover many scenarios):
Part 1
  • Participants will receive the device and some simple instructions.
  • They can choose to POP their bubble wraps in any way they wish:
  • Systematic /  Random /  One-by-One /  Area of Effect /  Till Completion /  Give up Halfways?
  • Participants will focus on the touch of the material.

Part 2

  • Participants will listen to the sounds they created.
  • They will get the copy of their music in material and recorded form.


Handheld Interactive Device(s).

  • Recording device.


  • Arduino + Processing.
Milestones with a weekly breakdown of tasks to accomplish.
Monday, 24th September
·         Pitch Proposal
Monday, 3rd October
  • Idea Refinement
Monday, 10th October
  •  Sketching or Modelling of the Protoypes
Monday, 15th October  Low Fidelity Prototype

  • A cardboard version of the device
  • Simple MAX MSP sketch
  • User Testing and Feedback
Monday, 24 October
  • Prototype Refinement
Monday, 5th November  Refined Prototype

  • Actual Materials
  • MAX MSP working system
  • User Testing and Feedback
Monday, 7 November
  • Device Construction
  • MAX MSP debugging
Monday , 12 November Project Refinement

  • Final User Testing
  • Initial Documentations
Week of Nov 19th. Final Submission
Description of the first prototype.
  • A cardboard version of the device
  • Simple MAX MSP sketch
  • User Testing and Feedback
How will you work be shown at the end of the semester?

We will provide our participants with the devices and give them simple instructions to use them.

The participants will then possibly receive the bubble wrap they POPped.

How will you document your work? mainly the interaction?

We will document through the physical material and video recordings.