Interactive Spaces Experience 2

Done by: Jin Yee and Yi Jie


We have become used to plastic bags to carry our stuff around. They’re cheap and handy and readily available. But is it really worth the negative impact to our environment? Plastic doesn’t biodegrade. It’s forever. Adding on, the production of plastic used 8% of our oil resources and pollutes the environment with toxic air too.

Therefore, in this assignment, we are trying to bring about the awareness of plastic bags through placing them at different locations around ADM.


Firstly, we remind the audience about the convenience of carrying plastic bags around by hanging them from the ceiling. We have become used to plastic bags to carry our stuff around. They’re cheap and handy and readily available. But is it really worth the negative impact to our environment?

Plastic waste can be found everywhere, however, only 1% to 3% is recycled. By dumping plastic waste into the oceans, plastic degrades itself into little pieces where marine animals mistook them as food and kills them. Therefore, we have decided to strategically place plastic bags along the stairs such that every step someone takes, they can see the number of plastic waste humans are producing.


Final Product

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