2D II – “Que Sera, Sera – What Will Be, Will Be” Process

Idea 1

What are some of the jobs that I consider and why?
– Teacher
I love to interact with kids and teaches Lego lesson in the past for kindergarten kids.

– Graphic Designer
I guess it has something to do with the course I am in now? This is one of the jobs I could consider in the future.

– Planner (events)
I have been working as event crew from front line to back end and has always been interested in how they plan all the event and would want to experience the planning process.

– Make up artist
I put on make up almost on a daily basis and would love to explore more into make up.

What is the message?
Jobs that are time-consuming can be rewarding.

What are some of the approach?
– String Art
An arrangement of colored thread strung between points to form geometric patterns.


– Paper Art
It can be folded, cut, glued, molded, stitched or layered. ca8c174fb0b209633b5bd3583fbf8a8d

I wanted to use string art to represent that it’s time consuming however I can’t find any item in each jobs that I selected to execute using string art. String art uses simple concept with only one patterns and can’t get too complicated. It’s hard to link the jobs with string art and with the message.

I was stuck at this concept for too long thus I decided to change my whole idea.

Idea 2

What is the message?
Animals affected by Humans action.

Why this message?
To draw audience attention to the consequences of how human action affects animal habitats and how it is harming them.

Which area I can explore on?
– Marine animal
– Land animal
– Animal skin/fur use for fashion
– Animal use for entertainment
– Animal use for experiment

Animal campaign as references

Some background information of the different problem affecting animals

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Marine Animals

Using water pollution as the main reason that kills the marine animal. With the background information of how water pollution came about, at the back of the composition it will be factory that uses large amount of water and through a series of processes, it gets contaminated by chemicals and etc . The water will flow out into the ocean which cause the ocean to be dirty and slowly killing the fishes inside.


Land Animals

With higher demand for land, more and more trees are cut down to make space for the country development. Using falling trees in my composition to depict the scene where they are removing the trees. With silhouette on the forest animal in between the trees, some escaping while some stay put shows that we are chasing them away from their home. Also using the tree stump to represent the letter J

Design 1

Some of the feedback that I received was the tree stump can have some burnt mark and having some animals sitting on top of it. I could also use the tree trunk to form my names or even using the animal. Adding smoke effects can also helps in this composition where it shows the burning/cutting down of trees.

Animal use for fashion

I decided to use fox as my main animal that was use for fashion. Fox was kept in a cage while waiting for their turn to be kill and skin thus I added cage into the design while they are watching one of their friends killed with blood flowing out and showing my name. I add in a lady wearing a fur coat to represent where the animal skin/fur will go to.


However, I was advised not to add in the lady because it represent the consumer instead of the jobs that I want to portray. Other suggestion was I should add in some fox fur that was hanging at the background. I did the composition and look forward to it at the final post.

Animal use for entertainment

I decided to use circus animal as the main focus because a lot of news and campaign have shown that some circus animal are being forced to do tricks and entertain viewers. With a circus background, and curtain in front to represent that the animal is standing on the stage. If you take a close look, those animal are tied to these strings that are use for puppets. It shows how human are controlling them to do something that they do not want to.



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