Locale | Zine Process

Click here for links to other posts: Research | Zine

Disclaimer: The following showcases the process towards my final artwork, that shows my thought process, all the ideas I thought of which includes rejected ideas, research. So it can get pretty messy. Think of it as my visual journal 🙂

To view my final artwork please click here.


To create a story of my journey to Mount Faber?

Highlighting the progression of the sight I see as I make my way up?

Showing the changes in scenery as I move up

Background of abstract forms, juxtaposed with an image in the center and a short caption?

Abstract form – showcasing emotions from the 5 senses?

Using an element from the location and interpreting its form with the emotion I feel

Mini booklet inside with a photo book? OR just a picture of the actual scene?

The 2 sides of the book is a continuation but with a different emotion, for example:

Pg 1 and 8

Pg 1 – A confused signage (Directions pointing nowhere)

Pg 8 – A clearer signage (directions pointing to emotions)

Pg 2 and 7

Pg 2 – A climb stairs motif (difficult steps, sharp edges) – black background, white steps

Pg 7 – Downward slope (smooth hill) – white background, black steps

Pg 3 and 6

Pg 3 – Nature juxtapose with infrastructure – a patterned background

Pg 6 – peace and serenity juxtapose with noisy Chinese tourists

Pg 4 and 5

A full length view of the scene from Faber Point recreated in a colour that celebrates the emotions I felt – bottom half shows the scenery, top half shows patterns?

Since I’m dealing with the idea of views, I was thinking about focusing primarily on the sense: sight by creating a progression of the sights I see through my journey at Mount Faber and correlate it to the emotions I felt.

Journey through Mount Faber
  • Arrival at Mount Faber – anticipation of what is to come (cover page) – a complicated signage that doesn’t make sense (half of the signpost)
  • The climb up to Mount Faber – worrisome, tiring juxtapose with peaceful, calm, serene (second page) – stairs motif
  • Faber Peak – The modernity of the building juxtaposed with nature surrounding it (3rd page)
  • Faber Point – the amazing view of the HDB estates and the harbour – recreating the scenery in a colour that celebrates the emotions (centre page 4th & 5th page)
  • Faber Point – the crowd – mainly Chinese tourists, crowded, sort of ruins the peaceful atmosphere (6th page)
  • Climb down Mount Faber – downward slope, calm, peaceful – another stairs motif (7th page)
  • Leaving Mount Faber – a clearer image of what Mount Faber has to offer – other half of the signpost (8th page)

To view final artworks, click here.

Image Making Through Type | Process and Research

Disclaimer: The following showcases the process towards my final artwork, that shows my thought process, all the ideas I thought of which includes rejected ideas, research. So it can get pretty messy. Think of it as my visual journal 🙂

To view my final artwork please click here.


Theme: Dark Jobs

First person perspective

  Job Alter ego Scene
1 Private Investigator NN Crime Scene

–       Dead body

–       Murder weapon

–       Broken window

2 Sniper 飞走 Busy Shopping streets

–       The target wearing a shirt with the name on it


3 Hacker fakepizza Computer table

–       Codes

–       Many screens

–       Board in the background with a target

4 Mad Scientist Professor Fizzy Science lab

–       Beakers

–       Chemicals

–       Smoke


Russian Constructivism

Constructivism has its origins from Russia in the year 1913 and was a development from the Russian Futurism after World War I. It was a movement created by the Russian avant-garde.

It involved creating completely abstract work with a blend of modernity. Often times, we see geometric and experimental forms which are rarely emotional. It is meant to convey a universal meaning rather than personal meanings.

Famous artists include Vladimir Tatlin, Kasimir Malevich, Alexandra Exter, Robert Adams, and El Lissitzky.

Vladimir Tatlin was central to the birth of Russian Constructivism.

He was largely influenced by Picasso’s Cubist and Russian Futurism. He wanted to create art with modern purposes.  He was trained as an icon painter, but was eventually inclined to the possibilities of materials in his work such as metal, glass and wood. He believed that the materials an artist used should reflect their capacities that explores its uses. His most remembered work was his Monument to the Third International (1919-20) – a design for the Communist International headquarters which unfortunately was realised as a model but never built.

Image from: http://www.tate.org.uk/context-comment/articles/lost-art-vladimir-tatlin







Unconventional Methods:

Tape Art

Image from : http://www.tapeart.com/
Image from : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvJWLtblYOk

String Art

Image from: http://diyprojectsforteens.com/diy-string-art-projects/
Image from : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/424393964871445956/
Image from : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/295971006746451636/


Push Pin Art

Image from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/32510428532028168/


Paper Art

Image from : https://www.pinterest.com/pin/AUHaO1QbNb4smwWNbcreSQ3wgYyuNNPj20zTtEIdXeEk3a_Ms2yINFM/



Image from : https://99designs.com.sg/blog/creative-inspiration/creative-typography-inspiration/
Image from: https://www.behance.net/gallery/58451835/various-illustrations-2017



I decided that dark jobs just didn’t seem suitable enough. So I changed it to Evil Villains instead. Unfortunately, I have to remove Crime Scene Investigator from the list.

Other Villan Jobs:

  • Witch
  • World Dominator
  • President of USA
  • Serial Killer
  • Clown
  • Lawyer
Evil Villain Job Alter Ego Location Items
1 Mafia Mdm F Hideout Gambling table, Stacks of drugs, money, jewelleries
2 Mad Scientist Professor Fizzy Science Lab Beaker, chemicals, thermometer, smoke, pipes
3 Hacker fakepizza Dark Basement Monitors, Hacking screens, fakepizza virus, world map on screen
4 Assassin nn On top of a high rise building Apartment, windows, road, cars,
Comments from Consultation:
  • Link all 4 jobs together
  • Form an evil organization
  • For Mad Scientist, the current set up didn’t appear “mad” enough – more suitable for a normal Scientist

To see more of how the artwork changed, have a look at my final post here.


3D Sketch Models

The word that was given to me is DISCORDANCE.

I was slightly troubled with the word that I got. Everyone else seemed to get pretty straightforward words, but mine was a word that I couldn’t even understand. I created various models that would illustrate a “lack of harmony”.

Version 1:

3D Sketch Model 1

3D Sketch Model 2

After some consultation from Cheryl and the class, I found out that I could use more angular shapes to illustrate the word discordance. The boxes that I used were of similar sizes and I should choose boxes of various sizes instead.

I also thought that I did not understand discordance enough, hence decided to search it up a bit more.

“Discordance “

  • Normal terms – Lack of agreement or harmony
  • Geology terms – lack of parallelism between adjacent strata, as in an angular unconformity.

Curious, I dug a little deeper into the geology term and here was what I found.

From there, I created new Version 2 models.

Version 2

3D Sketch Model 1

This model was created based of the usual meaning of discordance. I placed the dominant box as the centre whereas the subdominant as the anchor to hold the model in place. For both dominant and subordinate, I angled it to give it the discordance/disharmony/angular effect.

3D Sketch Model 2

For this model, I decided to recreate the geology term instead. The orange box and white box forms an angular unconformity similar to the sediments in a discordance deposit. I used the subordinate as the anchor for this model. Notice also how the Dominant, Sub-dominant and Subordinate changes from each angle. This was done on purpose since my term is considered a “Rebel”.