2D Forrest Gump – Quotes & Inspo Research

On my previous post I only talked about the quotes itself (link below) that I was interested in using,

2D Forrest Gump – Quotes

but I decided to add on new ones which will be part of my finalised quotes (plus using some from previous post) behind my final works.

The new ones that I will be focusing on is:

“To infinity and beyond.” by Buzz Lightyear from the movie ‘Toy Story’


“We don’t get to choose our time.” by The Ancient One from the movie ‘Dr Strange’ 

In overall, the all 4 final quotes behind my works will be those stated above and 2 from the previous post which are:

“Don’t grow up, it’s a trap.” by Peter from the movie ‘Peter Pan’


“I wish I could freeze this moment, right here, right now and live in it forever.” by Peeta from the movie ‘The Hunger Games’


One of my inspirations for illustration is this artist named Dan Hillier

and another from an Instagram user called @oasis_of_hate.

The reason being, some of their works focus on filling the empty white spaces and made good use of it. Some managed to give off the dark-fantasy effect with the use of black portions and that was something I was inclining towards.

I was also intrigued by how in some of Dan Hillier’s works, he makes use of geometry or cubes as his background or part of his illustration (such as the one below) and I wanted to do the same in my works.

Above all, most of the good illustration-artists have one thing in common: their works are centralised and minimalistic hence giving it a touch of simplicity. I strive to achieve that in my works.

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